Monday, June 6, 2011

All Hail Kale!

Before I sing the praises of the uber-vegetable, I would like to acknowledge and thank the friends who have mentioned OMPlate and attempted to comment on the site.  I am still working out the bugs and think I may have fixed the problem, so please try posting a comment again and see what you get!  Also, if you have any ideas, recipes, pictures, etc, please email me or post a comment.  I truly would like this to be a collective effort, not just me flexing my long dormant writing muscle.  And thank you for your patience with my blog naivete.

After trying in vain to post her thoughts (again, due to one novice blog host), a dear friend, Peri, wrote me a comment via email which I would like to share:

This is wonderful Nina.  10 days ago I embarked on a new eating program.  Just yesterday I realized that I would really benefit from a supportive, compassionate like-minded community who share some of my ideas about food.  Then, your site appeared!  Truly wonderful!  So, I am doing a program called The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss.  It goes like this: 4 meals of a protein, beans, and green vegetables/day.  I’ve modified it to include a little fruit and a bowl of greek, nonfat yogurt.   It sounds a bit boring but I’m experimenting with spices, soups, dips (Trader’s new guacamole hummus rocks!).  I’m combining this with body pump classes and yoga.  The goal is to feel strong and healthy.  In any case, thanks for creating this and I look forward to learning more.

Thanks so much Peri, that is exactly what I am hoping for, that we may draw inspiration and strength from each other to forge a path of health and vitality that expands out to our loved ones and communities.  All while deriving pleasure from the effort, and just plain having fun!  Good vibes all around.  And may I say I am flattered that a woman of your intelligence would even utter the word "learning" in reference to said blog... oh yes, the heart soars, the ego roars! xoxo

Speaking of Good Vibes...
It's time Kale got its just desserts.  As a former server and bartender, I was long under the impression that kale served the sole purpose of filling the emptiness on a plate, and maybe cradling an orchid or lemon as a simple aesthetic.

Well, not so.  Recently I have been hearing great things about kale from various friends:  it's a delicious side dish, it has numerable nutrients, it can be baked and eaten like potato chips (schwing!), and it's just as satisfying -?!  The jury's still out on that one.  However, fans of Dr Oz or not, most of us have heard "eat your green leafy vegetables" as a directive toward enhancing health, as well as a preventative measure from the dreaded heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancers that hold hands with the Western diet.

I decided to give this baby a test run.  For millennia, it seems, broccoli has been my go-to for vitamins.  As stated on

Because of its impressive nutritional profile that includes beta carotene, vitamin C, calcium, fiber, and phytochemicals, specifically indoles and aromatic isothiocynates, broccoli and its kin may be responsible for boosting certain enzymes that help to detoxify the body. These enzymes help to prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure.

I rest my case.  For more info on kale's former rival, including the history of how broccoli came to the US, click here.

In fact, kale, sometimes called borecole, is closely related to broccoli, only where broccoli stands out as a rich source of vitamin C, kale is more notably known for its stores of vitamins A and K.  Both are good sources of fiber.  For more in depth info on kale, click here.

But How's the Taste?
I admit, I have a thing for leafy greens.  I love them cooked; most have a nice, earthy bite to them that pleases my palate just so.  I knew if I was going to truly test kale's power on the plate, I was going to have to defer to the toughest critic I know, my five-year-old roommate, Sonoma.

So I picked up a bunch of kale at the local market.  I rinsed it and trimmed the tougher stems, then heated a couple of tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat.  Once the pan was heated, I added the kale, and a half a cup of water.

I chopped up two cloves of garlic, tossed them in, added a pinch of kosher salt and some fresh ground pepper, then covered it and let it simmer for 5 minutes.

The result?  Well, I declared, "I shall never eat spinach again!"  And as you can see by Sonoma's reaction, she couldn't get enough of the stuff.

Yep.  Kale, a real crowd pleaser.  I will have to try those Kale chips and see if they pass the test.  

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